Bror Sander Berg Størseth

Bror Sander Berg Størseth om den gangen familiens høner ble spist av en rev.

Bror Sander Berg Størseth - Mat og meg - Memoar

Oslo 16. januar 2022: Bror Sander Berg Størseth forteller om hvordan familiens matkultur var inspirert av bestemoren som bestemte at familien kun skulle spise rå og vegansk mat.

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Intervju med Bror Sander Berg Størseth som forteller om å vokse opp på en liten gård utenfor Oslo. Bror forteller om hønsehold og det å plukke bær i skogen rundt familiegården. Han forteller også om hvordan familiens matkultur var inspirert av bestemoren hans som var sykepleier og bestemte  på 1970 tallet at familien kun skulle spise rå og vegansk mat.

Intervjuer er Jessica Lauren Elizabeth Taylor.


00:14: Introduction, Bror Sander Berg Størseth, Oslo.

00:55: I was born in Baerum and my parents moved us from a warm apartment in Oslo to a small farm, cold and leaky house in Kråkstad.

02:00: My parents cooked 50/50. My Dad experimented by seeing which ingredients we had at home. My mom followed recipes and tried and tested dishes. Both were delicious. 

03:19: My mom always made the meatballs instead of buying them ready-made. We ate a lot of fish, meat and vegetables. The food was always very rich. I wasn't really into cooking until I moved away from home. 

07:18: We had a bunch of chickens when I was a kid. Once all of the chickens were eaten by a fox. One chicken managed to survive by hiding and it was my special chicken named Esther. We ate their eggs but never ate them. 

09:50: We shopped at big supermarkets in the shopping mall. We also had a small garden where we grew vegetables and had berry bushes. My mom made black currant syrup which we used for hot toddies in the winter. I made candy with ant saliva and chewed sap from trees. I dug up licorice root. 

12:48: It was common in the small village with lots of farmers to hunt, fish and forage. Being in nature was a big part of growing up. In school we learned about mushrooms and hiked in the forest. 

14:00: Grandfather diagnosed with intestinal cancer in the 70's and Grandmother was a nurse and decided to start the family on a raw vegan diet because she believed in the healing power of food. Vitamins can unlock parts of the brain. 

16:07: We always went to Dinner in Oslo once a year as a tradition. It was Chinese cuisine and it felt exotic and it was exciting to try new flavors. It's silly to say but we introduced tacos to our small village. The tacos we ate was not close to what tacos are, olives and cucumbers inside. 

18:40: Now I cook a lot of vegetables, heavily influenced by my wife being from the States.  We eat a lot of one dish foods. I bake a lot as well: pizza dough, biscuits, cornbread, cinnamon buns, pita bread.    beans, vegetables, one dish, baked goods, lentils, tomatoes,pizza dough, cornbread, biscuits, cinnamon buns, pita bread.

20:42: I cook with my daughter very now and then. It requires that you foresee that there will be one meltdown, it will be more messy and you will have the heart in your throat because you are scared she will cut herself. In my family we always cook every meal. I want my daughter to understand that cooking food is a part of living. And that is a sharing bonding experience.